Saturday, February 20, 2010

Second swimming "lesson"

Gavin had his second swim class this morning. Daddy came with us today - he was a welcome second set of hand! There was snow on the ground outside and the pool was CHILLY inside. Daisy, the instructor, insists that the pool we are in is the warmest - I don't want to try the other ones then! We got in and did our ring around the rosie and other activities to get used to being in the pool. The little man is getting a little more comfortable in the pool - I think he still prefers his 95 degree tub better - who wouldn't! One of the activities is to get a plastic cup and pour water over the little ones shoulders, ears and head - well, Gavin takes hold of the cup and won't let us use it! Instead he likes to chew on it. Just like that the 30 minute class was over - time for a bottle and nap - he's been down for 2.5 hours! Finally found something to wear him out!

Then and Now

We keep taking photos of Super G (ode to the Olympics) in his high chair. He doesn't look much different - maybe a bit leaner and a little more hair but now he has 2 teeth!

Friday, February 12, 2010

What's Gavin Up To?

The other day we were trying to figure out what Gavin was saying. He kept saying the same thing over and over again. We finally realized he was saying - tickle, tickle, tickle. Today Joel asked Maria at daycare and she confirmed it - she and the kids all say it to Gavin and he picked it up. Pretty funny. Other things we think he says - dada, mama, dog, ah-ao! We're pretty entertained at how he picks up things we're saying and doing. For better or worse, we taught him to climb the stairs to the second floor - thinking this will tire him out before bed - works sometimes! He's been sleeping through the night - some of the time. Just about every other night recently - up from once every month or two! Don't start! We're headed to the rec center tomorrow - we signed up for swim classes for ages 2 and under. Should be pretty entertaining. He loves the tub so we'll see how he does in a really big tub! "Whitey" will get in the pool with him - I might blind everyone in the place!