Saturday, August 24, 2013

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

August photos

The boys like to do magic and watch their pool toys levitate on the a/c.

Daddy baking.

Gavin helping grandma blow out her candle on her birthday enchilada, of course!

Painting Christmas ornaments in August.

Trevor getting the last drop out of his cereal bowl.

Mom and T on a morning walk on mom's birthday!

Preschool field trip to the butterfly pavilion. Fish tank!

Holding Rosie.

A miner statue in louisville after the driest BBQ ever.

July photo highlights

Trevor had the day off so we hung out and played with the "tomato" heads.

Coloring. Trevor says "cheese!"

Mom's attempt at a Mohawk. Gavin showing off his "tats."

Cool dude and Captain 'Merica helping mom with the recycling bins.

Checking out the park near grandma's future condo. Approved!

Crazy hair day at preschool with mr potato heads candy cane lips!

Stickers and foam hat making in the garage? Can you spot the kids?

Funny boys

Opening grandma Joyce'a birthday card. What, no sound?

Drinking watermelon juice, of course!

Driving in the basement...

Putting stickers in our sticker books. One likes everything in straight lines. The other likes to layer!

I'm going to squash you like a bug! Hanging out w mom the day after hernia surgery.

Absorbing his books.

River-free rafting!

Grandma's new pad!

Grandma closed on her Colorado condo on August 9. We had a little work done on her place the following week. David arranged to get the moving truck, that has been sitting in Denver for two months, to arrive on Tuesday and unloaded on Wednesday. As of today, grandma is in her very own place! David and Amy helped with unpacking today and we are expecting a family dinner invitation any day now...