Thursday, September 29, 2011

What's new?

Sorry it has been a month since the last post. We're taking photos, but just not taking the time to upload them. Since August, the Beams visited. They took care of Gavin while Maria was on vacation around Labor Day. Gavin kept grandma and grandpa busy going to the WOW Museum, the neighborhood pool and the park. Trevor stayed home with them the Tuesday after Labor Day. Grandpa went to the grocery store with Gavin - I'm sure he convinced grandpa to get him a free cookie like he does with daddy!

We visited Roni and Garry, Oren and Ahna and Ezra on Labor Day down in Castle Rock. We took two cars. Gavin talked just about the whole way down and back. "Trains mommy, three deer mommy," and on and on. It was fun to see Ezra (3) and Gavin (2) playing together and being silly.

The months are flying by. Trevor is now 5 months old and Gavin is 2.5. Wowsers. Gavin's vocabulary is amazing - full sentences. Some of the things he says really crack us up. He has quite the personality and an opinion about EVERYTHING. Trevor is still a mellow little dude. He watches his big brother, giggles and tells us stories in his own baby language. He's a fun little person. Still hanging onto some of that dark brown hair. I looked back at Gavin photos at the same age and T definitely has darker hair and more of it - so far! Hopefully he doesn't loose it all in time for his 6 mos photos!

The weather has been great here. Uncle David and I took the boys to the pumpkin patch last weekend. I wanted to go early so the crowds weren't too crazy. We went in the morning and it was perfect - David and I enjoyed it. Gavin wasn't too thrilled with the prickley pumpkin leaves and vines and the thornes in the pumpkin patch. I guess if you go later in the season, the weeds are probably trampled down. Gavin did enjoy eating a few kernels of corn right from the stalk! After we picked our pumpkins (thanks Uncle David!) we went to see the bouncy castles, hay bail maze and pens where the animals would go. It was getting warm so we headed back home. Gavin was quite excited to show daddy "his" pumpkins.

Trevor's daycare is closed Thursday and Friday of this week. Daddy took the day off and I worked from home. Daddy had a fun day with Trevor. We started the morning by walking Gavin to daycare. Trevor was in the front pack, Gavin in his stroller and the dogs on leash. A real family outing! Trevor was fast asleep by the time we got home. He slept for about 2 hours then he hung out with daddy for a while. They decided to go for a walk to visit neighbors, Mike and Jamie. When they returned it was lunch time. Trevor sat in his bumbo chair and watched daddy make lunch. After lunch they played and read stories then time for T's afternoon nap. After a while it was time to go get big brother at Maria's. Trevor was in the stroller so Gavin lead us on a leisurely walk home, walking thru the neighbors grass, pointing out sprinkler heads, kicking dandilion, visiting the tan cat, touching the flowers. Like I said - Leisurely! We got home and headed to Chipotle for dinner. Gavin especially enjoyed having chocolate milk and tortilla chips of his very own. He also enjoyed recycling everything after the meal. That was the day in a nut shell!

I'm ready for the weekend!

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