Saturday, April 4, 2009

Sports team conflict!

We received a package in the mail yesterday from Uncle Steve and Aunt Pat in Pittsburgh. I think they're trying to work on the little man to make him a Steelers fan from the start. Joel roots for the Raiders and I root for the Eagles - as long as he doesn't root for the Broncos, we'll allow it!

One of the few awake photos!!!


  1. about NONE OF THE ABOVE! No Steelers, No Eagles, and certainly absolutely NO RAIDERS in this town.

    You do know why the sky is blue and the sun is orange, right?

    God is a BRONCOS fan!

    Ezra has a nice warm-up suit that he has grown out of that I think would be perfect for Gavin a few months. We will bring it when we see you....oh, did I mention that it's adorned with Denver Broncos logos?

  2. He could always root for the Chiefs!! Hmm, now there's a gift idea!

  3. I'll see if I can dig up an old number 7 jersey. Orange and blue for sure. :) - Lana
