Saturday, April 4, 2009

Your happiness is before you, not behind you! Cherish it!

That was in my fortune cookie on Sunday. Thought it was quite appropriate! Well, week one has flown by at home with the little guy. Things are going pretty well. We're up at least 3x per night to change/feed and change him again! The cloth diapers we have don't fit yet so we're blowing thru the disposables. WOW - at least 10/day.

Went for our first peds appt on Monday. The little man is gaining weight back nicely. We'll go back next week to see how we've done. The more we feed him, the more he goes though! Tuesday we visited Children's to make him into a good Cali boy - his tongue was tied so had it clipped underneath - seems to help with feeding. The doc and staff was great - we had my photographer friend stop by and take a few pix too!

Joel went to the grocery store on Thursday and i was here with the little man. He tends to get a bit fussy around 4 pm. I decided it was time to change him and felt a warm trickle up my arm - I was finally christened! It went up my sleeve, all over the changing table and onto the closet door. I couldn't help but laugh. The whole time the phone was ringing - joel at the grocery. Gavin and I both had new outfits on by the time Joel returned home! I have already been spit up on numerous times - when he's ready, he's ready!

Time flies! It's the weekend again and we're having our third snow storm since we've had the little man. Another weather forecasters "blizzard" - which means less than an inch of the white stuff down here.

Mom arrived yesterday and brother David has her at his house for a few days before sending her down to us! We'll let her have a little sleep before coming down!

I'll add some new pix soon!


  1. Hi guys! Well, Jenn, your little guy finally did what every baby boy does...gave you a little yellow shower....He looks very sweet...Mom/grandmom

  2. It's such a nice feeling, isn't it? One minute your changing a diaper, the next you have been transported to someplace warm and wet....oh, wait! That's pee, not the ocean.....
