Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Gavin meets Trevor

Gavin stayed with Maria on Tues., Wed., and Thurs. nights while we were at the hospital. On Fri., it was Uncle David's turn! Daddy was home to put him to bed and it was uncle D's job to get up with him on Sat. and play the day away. Uncle D sounded pretty tired when we checked in but G seemed to enjoy their time together. David and Jen moved down to Lafayette on Wednesday, which we're excited about-now they can come over and play with the boys more often! YEAH!

Here are a few screen shots of photos David took when we arrived at home. Gavin was up napping when we arrived so we were able to get situated with Trevor. Take a look!

Gavin is always facinated by people in pictures of people with "eyes closed" - he likes to point at Trevor and say this a lot!

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