Sunday, May 27, 2012

YMCA Estes Park

Daycare was closed for a long weekend so we thought we'd take a vacation of our own. We went up the hill to Estes Park and stayed at the YMCA. It was great! Besides a light spring snow on our way up, we had a great time. We stayed in a two bedroom cabin, with kitchen and indoor plumbing. Gavin and Trevor shared a bedroom the first night. We put them to bed and sat in the living room listening to them chatter back and forth - Gavin would talk to Trevor and Trevor would respond in his baby noises. It was pretty entertaining to listen to. That was the only night they successfully slept and slept in the same bedroom for that matter!

We woke up to snow on the ground. Luckily we brought our winter clothes. We were located near the park, craft center and indoor pool. A short walk away and we could visit the horses and another small park. We brought Gavin's balance bike and he rode it everywhere. Trevor enjoyed being strapped into the front pack on our walks. We didn't move the car all weekend - it was great.

There was cool weather the entire weekend, which was a nice change from warm temps in town. On our way back down the hill we were all dressed a little too warmly! Uncle David stayed with the dogs for the weekend. He did make the comment that the house got down to 61 overnight and he was a little chilly. It was a warm week prior so we had the heat turned off - he promptly turned it on once he realized the problem!

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